NU Degree Admission Circular 2025

NU Degree Admission Circular 2025 Released. This is National University Degree (Pass) 1st Year Admission Notice 2024-2025. According to the notification, online application has started from 5 June 2025 at 4 pm. Application can be made through the website Last date of application is 30 June 2025. The applicant must pay the application fee of Tk. 300 by 1 July 2024. After the admission process, the classes of the students admitted in the 1st year degree (pass) will start from 25th July 2025.

Let’s know all the information related to National University Degree Admission 2024. Here we will discuss about admission application eligibility, procedures for filling admission form, admission result, merit list, release slip, migration, quota and final admission including other information and procedure.

NU Degree Admission 2025

National University Degree Admission 2025 activities has started. The detailed schedule for the academic year 2024-2025 has already been announced. The admission process will be completed as per the announced schedule. Let’s take a look at the Roadmap for Degree Admission 2024.

Primary Application5 June to 30 June 2025
Application Fee Payment Last Date1 July 2025
Confirmation by College Authority6 June to 2 July 2025
1st Merit List2nd week of July 2025
2nd Merit List
1st Release Slip Application
1st Release Slip Result
2nd Release Slip Application
2nd Release Slip Result
Class Start25 July 2025
  • Unpublished dates will be announced through successive notices.

Eligibility and Conditions of Application

a) Students who have passed SSC and equivalent exams in 2020/2021/2022 with a minimum GPA of 2.0 including the 4th subject and HSC and equivalent exams in 2022/2023/2024 with a minimum GPA of 2.0 including the 4th subject from any branch of any recognized education board/open university in Bangladesh can apply.

b) Students passed from Bangladesh Technical Education Board only in i) H.S.C. (Vocational) ii) H.S.C. (Business Management and Technology) iii) Diploma-in-Commerce can apply, subject to fulfillment of the conditions of section-1(a).

c) Students who have passed in at least four subjects with ‘B’ grade in three subjects in O-Level examination in 2020/2021/2022 and in at least two subjects with ‘B’ grade in one subject in A-Level examination in 2022/2023/2024, can apply to this admission process, subject to other conditions. Such students will not apply online but will send the application directly/by email to the Dean, School of Undergraduate Studies, National University within the stipulated time ([email protected]).

The written application on white paper should mention the name of the applicant, name of father-mother, name of the course to be admitted, name of the institution and registered personal mobile number. It is to be noted that the course to be admitted must be affiliated to the concerned institution. Also, two copies of attested passport size photographs along with O-Level and A-Level examination transcripts of the applicant should be attached to the application.

d) In case of foreign certificate holder students (must be citizen of Bangladesh), they can also apply in this admission process subject to the equivalence determination of their obtained secondary and higher secondary level mark sheets by any education board recognized in Bangladesh, subject to fulfillment of the conditions of section-1(a). Such students will not apply online but will send the application directly/by email to the Dean, School of Undergraduate Studies, National University within the stipulated time ([email protected]).

The written application on white paper should mention the name of the applicant, name of father-mother, name of the course to be admitted, name of the institution and registered personal mobile number. It is to be noted that the course to be admitted must be affiliated to the concerned institution. Also, two copies of attested passport size photographs along with transcripts of all examinations of the applicant, copy of equivalence determination by the board should be attached to the application.

e) Students who have been issued registration cards after being admitted to the Bachelor (Honours), Bachelor (Honours) Professional and Bachelor (Pass) regular/private courses in the academic year 2022-2023 or 2023-2024 under the National University will not be able to be admitted to the 1st year Bachelor (Pass) course in the academic year 2024-2025. However, such students can be admitted to the 1st year Bachelor (Pass) course in the academic year 2024-2025 after canceling the admission of the previous academic year within the stipulated time.

f) If a student is admitted to Bachelor (Honours), Bachelor (Honours) Professional or Bachelor (Pass) regular/private course in the same academic year or in two different academic years, both his admissions and registrations will be considered canceled.

g) If the photograph/any information in the initial application form is proved to be incorrect or incomplete, the admission and registration of the applicant will be considered canceled.

Apply Online

  1. The applicant has to click on the Apply Now (Degree Pass) option by going to the Degree Pass Tab of the admission related website (  and enter the SSC and HSC/equivalent exam roll number, registration number, education board/university, year of passing and a registered mobile number (own or guardian’s) correctly in the information form displayed on the website. It is to be noted that this mobile number will be used by the National University to provide all educational support information to the students in the future.
  2. If Male is displayed instead of Female or Female is displayed instead of Male in the applicant’s information form according to the data stored in the database, the correct gender should be entered by going to the Click to Change option. It should be noted that if any male applicant applies to a women’s college intentionally or due to a gender error, the application form/admission of the applicant will be considered canceled.
  3. At this stage the applicant will be able to see the list of courses he/she is eligible for admission. If the applicant selects the name of any college according to his/her choice based on division and district, he/she will be able to see the names and number of seats of the courses eligible for admission in the 1st year Degree (Pass) Course in the respective college. From this list, the applicant has to carefully select the order of preference of his/her desired courses.
  4. Applicants who wish to be admitted under the freedom fighter’s child/grandson/granddaughter, small ethnic group, special needs/differently abled and dependent quota will have to select the applicable quota for them in the specified place in the information table. For quota applications, you must have the original certificate issued by the appropriate authorities. It should be noted here that only children/dependents of teachers, officers and employees working in the National University can apply under the dependent quota. In this case, the applicant has to collect the dependent quota certificate from the Registrar’s Office of the National University. If an applicant is eligible for one or more quotas, then the order of preference of the quota should be determined. It should be noted that the reserved seats for the quota will be considered as additional to the total number of seats per course. If a student who has applied for a quota is admitted by getting a place in the merit list, that student will not be included in the quota merit list.
  5. At the time of filling up the initial application form, the applicant has to scan and upload a recently taken passport size color photo. Image size will be 120×150 pixels, Image Type: jpg and maximum file size: 50kb. If any image other than the applicant’s photo is uploaded in the initial application form, the admission and registration of the applicant will be considered canceled.
  6. The applicant has to fill the form with correct picture and information and click on Submit Application option. At this stage, the applicant’s roll number and PIN will be displayed on the website and the applicant has to download the form [Print on A4 (8.5″x11″) offset white paper/collect pdf copy].
  7. Correction of filled application form: The applicant has to carefully check whether all the information and photos displayed in his/her initial application form are correct. If there is a discrepancy in the information or a defective picture in the application form, it should be corrected. To modify the application form, the applicant has to go to the Applicant Login option and enter the roll number and PIN of the application form by going to the Degree Pass Login link. At this stage, if the applicant clicks on the Click to Generate the Security Key option by going to the Form Cancel/Photo Change Option link, a One Time Password (OTP) will be sent to the personal mobile number mentioned in his/her application form via SMS. By entering this OTP, the applicant will be able to fill the application form again and upload the correct photo by canceling his/her application form. It should be noted that the applicant will get the opportunity to cancel the form only once. If the initial application form is confirmed by the college, the applicant will no longer be able to cancel the form.
  8. The applicant has to sign the printed initial application form with date in the designated place. This application form signed by the applicant and the initial application fee of Tk. 300/- (three hundred) has to be deposited in the respective college (through mobile banking or directly as determined by the college) in due time. All applicants whose initial application forms will be confirmed online by the respective college will be notified via SMS. If the applicant does not receive an SMS on his/her mobile phone after submitting the application form to the college, it is to be understood that his/her application form has not been confirmed by the respective college. In this case, the applicant should contact the respective college within the stipulated time. No merit list of applicants will be prepared without online confirmation of initial application by the college.
NU Degree Admission Circular 2024-1
NU Degree Admission Circular 2024-2
NU Degree Admission Circular 2024-3

Admission Result

National University Degree Admission Result 2025 will be published on the basis of applicant’s SSC and HSC examination results. NU Degree Admission Result 2024 will be published in several steps. A total of two merit lists, two migration results, quota results and two release slip results will be published.

  • 1st Merit List: 1st Merit List will be published after the initial application. Students in the first merit list have to fill the final admission form within the stipulated time. Admission should also be completed within the stipulated date. Failure to fill the final admission form and complete admission within the stipulated date will result in cancellation of nomination.
  • 2nd Merit List: 2nd Merit List will be published for remaining vacant seats after completion of admissions from the 1st Merit List. Applicants who are not selected for admission in the first merit list will be considered for admission in the second list.
  • Migration Result: If the student is not selected for admission in his/her first course of choice, he/she will be considered for migration. Migration will be automatic. However, the student can turn the migration on or off at the time of final admission form fill-up. Only students who have completed admission will be considered for migration. Two migration results will be released for two merit lists. However, there will be no migration facility for the students selected for admission on release slip.
  • Quota Result: Quota result will be published separately for quota applicants. Just like the students selected in the merit list, the students selected in the quota have to fill the final admission form and complete the admission within the prescribed date.
  • Release Slip Results: Two release slip results will be released for National University degree admissions. Release slip results will be published at the end of each release slip application. Students selected for admission in 1st and 2nd release slips must complete the admission by filling the final admission form within the stipulated date. Students admitted on release slips will not be considered for migration.

How to Check Degree Admission Result?

Like other courses of National University Degree Admission Result 2025 can be known in two ways. The results can be known by logging on to the admission website. Also, results will be known by sending SMS. All merit lists, migration results, release slip results and quota result can be known in the following way.

Follow the instructions below to check the Degree Admission Result online.

  1. Visit the admissions website
  2. Enter the Degree Pass option.
  3. From the Degree Pass option, click on the Degree Pass Applicant Login Click Here link.
  4. Log in with your Admission Roll and PIN.
  5. View the results from the dashboard.

Follow the instructions below to know the Degree Admission Result through SMS.

  1. Open Messaging Application.
  2. In New Message option write – NU <space> ATDG <space> Admission Roll (Example: NU ATDG 123456).
  3. Send the message to 16222.
  4. The authority will inform your result in the return message.

Dual Admission Cancellation

Any student who has been admitted to the Honours, Honours (Professional) and Degree (Pass) regular/private courses and received a registration card in the academic year 2022-2023 or 2023-2024 and is placed on the merit list for the first-year Bachelor (Pass) admission process in the academic year 2024-2025, must cancel their previous academic year admission before being admitted to this academic program.

If any student takes dual admission by violating the said condition, both his admissions and registrations will be considered canceled. It is to be noted that, there will be no opportunity to reinstate the admission of the said academic year if a student cancels the admission while the admission process for Bachelor (Pass) in the academic year 2024-2025 is ongoing.

Final Admission

After publication of 1st and 2nd Merit List, Release Slip Results and Quota Results the selected candidates have to fill the final admission form within the stipulated time. Final admission form, required documents and payment of admission fee should be completed within the stipulated date. Failure to fill the final admission form within the stipulated date and failure to complete the final admission will result in cancellation of the nomination. The final admission form can be filled by logging on to the admission website.

Before publication of each merit list, quota result and release slip, the final admission form filling and admission related information and instructions will be published on the admission website. Selected candidates have to follow the admission notice.

In case of change of preference through migration, the candidate has to login to the admission website to download the subject change form and submit it to the changed department. For this, the candidate does not have to take admission again.

Release Slip Application

Those applicants who do not get a place in the merit list or cancel their admission after being admitted in the merit list or do not get admitted in the allotted course even after getting a place in the merit list can apply for a release slip by selecting the course preference separately in five colleges subject to course-wise vacant seats. The applicants whose initial applications will not be confirmed online by the college authorities will not be able to apply for the release slip.

Follow the instructions below to apply for a release slip.

  1. Visit the admissions website (
  2. Click on login link from degree pass option.
  3. Login with Admission Roll and PIN.
  4. Click the Release Slip Application link.
  5. Provide Course Preferance in 5 colleges consecutively.
  6. Submit the application.
  7. Print and save the application copy.

It should be noted that after applying in the release slip, application copies or documents need not be submitted to any college. Even no application fee has to be paid.


For all information regarding the NU Degree Admission 2025 visit the National University Admission website and follow notice board. You can also comment for any information.